How To Be Anonymous ?
Do you want to be anonymous online to view blocked websites, protect yourself from hackers, or want to hack someone and go unnoticed ?
Here I will explain the simple ways in which you can remain anonymous on the Internet.
Using Proxies
A proxy server is the address (IP address) of a server (proxy server) that sits between your computer and the Internet. The advantage of a proxy is that your real IP is hidden, so when you hack, you are giving the IP of the proxy. sever, not your real IP address.
Likewise, if you are a regular Internet user, the hacker will not get your real IP, but the IP of the proxy server. You can use it to enter a site or forum whose IP address you have been banned from.
Using Tor
Tor-proxy is a free proxy server that Internet users can use to hide their IP addresses while browsing the web. Tor (The Onion Router) is a free software for ensuring anonymity on the Internet.
Tor directs Internet traffic through a free, worldwide network of volunteers of more than three thousand relays to hide the user’s location or use from anyone.
SSH Tunneling
An SSH tunnel is an encrypted tunnel created over an SSH connection. SSH tunnels can be used to tunnel unencrypted traffic over the network over an encrypted channel.
In simple terms, you can go online without supervision and even view blocked sites.
Using VPN
Virtual private network. Basically, it is a private network that allows users to connect to other users or remote sites using a public network, usually the Internet. It uses “virtual” connections that are routed over the Internet from the company’s private network to a remote site or employee, instead of physical connections.
In short, it is a private network built over a public network infrastructure such as the global Internet. The biggest difference between a proxy and a VPN is that everything in a VPN is encrypted, which provides an extra layer of security.