How To Find The IP Address Of A Web Site ?

Find The IP Address Of A Web Site

In this guide, you will learn how to find the IP address of a website. You can do this by using the “traceroute” feature built into your computer, or by downloading and using the free traceroute app for your iPhone or Android.

In Windows

  • Open your computer and click on the start menu. Search for “cmd” (without quotes)
  • Right-click on cmd and select “Run as administrator”.
  • Now enter the command
  • ping website address -t
  • Former. – ping -t
  • Now press Enter. You will get it.
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On Mac OS

  • Open Spotlight Tap the magnifying glass icon in the top right corner of the screen.
  • Find Network Utility and open it. After that, click on the Traceroute tab in the network utility.
  • Now enter the website address in the input field and click the trace button. You will see the website’s IP address.

For Android

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On iPhone

  • Install and open the Inettools application
  • Click Traceroute, then click the address bar and enter a website address (eg
  • Click on start. You will see the website’s IP address.
Important Note - Do not try to find the IP address of government sites (.gov,,, etc.).