What Is Web Server Security ?

Web Server Security Definition

Web server security is the protection of information assets that can be accessed from a web server. Web server security is important for any organization that has a physical or virtual web server connected to the Internet.

This requires multiple layers of protection and is especially important for organizations with customer-facing websites. Separate servers should be used for internal and external applications, and servers for external applications should be located in the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) or container service network to prevent an attacker from exploiting the vulnerability to gain access to sensitive internal information.

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How Web Server Security Works ?

Web server security is the security of any server deployed in the World Wide Web domain or on the Internet. It is implemented through multiple methods and layers, typically including the underlying operating system (OS) security layer, the hosted application security layer, and the network security layer.

OS security, which ensures access only to authorized users, manages critical components and services of the webserver. Application layer security provides control over content and services hosted on a web server.

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Network security provides protection against vulnerabilities, viruses, and attacks on the Internet. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates, secure HTTP, and a firewall are a few of the tools and technologies used to secure a web server.