What Your PC Says About You ?

What Your Desktop Says About You ?

If a man’s shoes can tell you a lot about him, then the way he sets up his computer with wallpaper, icons, and the programs he likes best can tell you even more about who he is. Profiling people based on what they do on their PC desktop is not an exact science, but there’s no doubt that computer use reflects traditional psychological types.

You could compare an unconfigured computer system to a Rorschach test: “You could compare an unconfigured computer system to a Rorschach test, which is when you show someone a blurry inkblot and ask, “What is that?”

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Stephen Furner, a chartered psychologist who works in technology, said, “You can ask someone ‘What are you thinking?’ and use their answers to figure out what they are thinking.”

“In your screensaver, you choose the picture, the frames, and the words that spin around. These are choices that a person makes that show what kind of environment makes them feel at home. It says a lot about who you are.”