How To Make Windows Greet You With A Custom Voice Message At Startup ?

How To Make Windows Greet You ?

This method uses a text file to play a computer audio recording of any welcome message that you would like to hear when Windows starts. You can follow these steps to add a custom welcome message in Windows 10 or earlier.

First of all, open a new Notepad file. You can do this by typing Notepad in the Start search menu, or by finding it in the context menu after right-clicking.

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Now enter the following code into your notepad file.

dim speech
welcome=”Hello Master. Welcome Back.”
set speech=CreateObject(“sapi.spvoice”)
speech.speak welcome


You can change the text “Hello Master. Welcome Back.” According to your taste.

Make sure the quotes are present.

Now save your notepad file as welcome.vbs. You can use any name, just make sure the file extension is .vbs.

You can check the file if it works or not. Just double-click the file and the audio will start playing. Otherwise, an error message will be displayed.

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Now, if you are using Windows 7, you can type “Startup” in the search bar to find your Startup folder.

If you are using Windows 10/8, press Windows + R to open the RUN dialog box.

Now type shell: startup and hit Enter.

Once in your Windows startup folder, copy the welcome.vbs file you created on your desktop and paste it into your startup folder.

Everything is set up. Now restart your computer to hear the welcome message.